This page is about an old version of Active Collab that's not developed anymore.
Click here to open the documentation for the latest version.

Fixing Crashed or Corrupt MySQL Tables

activeCollab uses a MySQL database to store your data. Occasionally, MySQL tables can crash or get corrupted for various reason. When something like that happens, you will get crash reports stating that the query failed because of missing file or invalid information in one of the files. Exact error messages may vary. For instance

Query failed with message 'Incorrect information in file: './db_name/ac_user_sessions.frm''

If you receive such a crash report, try repairing the table by using the phpMyAdmin tool:


Log in to the phpMyAdmin and navigate to the database where activeCollab is installed


Select the table that crashed by clicking on check-box in front of its name and select the Repair table option from drop-down at the bottom of the tables list.

If the Repair command fails to resolve the problem, please contact your hosting provider or system administrator for assistance.