This page is about an old version of Active Collab that's not developed anymore.
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Debugging activeCollab

activeCollab can run in two different modes, based on the value of APPLICATION_MODE directive. The possible values are:

  • in_production_mode - the default mode used for the system in a production environment. In case of a system error, activeCollab will display a brief error message to the user without revealing any sensitive system information. At the same time the system will send an email notification to the Administrator with all the relevant information included. The notification recipient is configured with the ADMIN_EMAIL directive.
  • in_debug_mode - the debug mode is used for troubleshooting and development. In this mode, activeCollab logs the entire execution process in the /logs folder. Logged information is grouped by day. In case of a system error, the details with all relevant system information are displayed to the user, but no email is sent.

When troubleshooting, set APPLICATION_MODE to in_debug_mode. Open config/config.php and change the value of APPLICATION_MODE to in_debug_mode. If the APPLICATION_MODE directive is not present in config/config.php, add the following line to the file:

define('APPLICATION_MODE', 'in_debug_mode');

It is strongly recommended that you use debug mode only for identifying and removing errors from the system. When done with the debugging, remove APPLICATION_MODE from config/config.php file to avoid revealing any sensitive information about your activeCollab setup.