This page is about an old version of Active Collab that's not developed anymore.
Click here to open the documentation for the latest version.

Link Commit Messages with Tasks

activeCollab can also parse commit messages and connect them with Tasks related to a specific job.

Here's what you can do with your commit messages:

  • Link Commit with Tasks - Simply add Task #ID in a commit message. You will find the Task ID number in the Task title under the # symbol. In case you have a few projects connected to the same repository, you should use Task #ID@project-slug to make a difference between Tasks in separate projects.
  • Close Task with commit message. Use Complete Task #ID to mark a specific Task as completed.
  • Display commits in the Task that they are related to. All commit messages related to a specific Task will be available in the Task information block. This way, you will be able to track code related to this Task easily.