- Improved thumb.php
- People with manage permissions in specific section (discussions, files, pages, tickets) can also manage categories in that section
- Removed extra database lock while emptying the trash
- If there are too many trashed objects, they will be deleted in chunks (not all at once)
- Status updates now can be deleted
- Basecamp data importer included in Corporate and Small Biz builds
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed subscriptions page problem when project is empty
- Fixed permission checking for tasks assigned to a user who can't edit parent ticket, checklist or a page
- Fixed favicon URL for login screen, as well as error page
- Fixed issue when assignments filter was including comments in the results in some cases
- Fixed issue when trash was reporting to be empty and it wasn't
- Fixed bug where admins and project managers were being able to perform search only across projects that they were added to
- Fixed PHP compatibility message for Incoming Mail and Importer modules
- Master categories at Admin page are now sorted in the same way as they are sorted within projects